You can use the FIS site to advertise your service online, whether you’re an:
• early years setting such as a childminder, nursery or playgroup
• activity group such as Brownies, Cubs, Scouts or a sports club,
• service for children or young people and their families, or
• school including LA maintained, academies, or the independent sector
you can use the service to reach those families who need you. This is a free service. You can self-register and self-manage your account.
The site includes information on:
• Your name
• Type of provider
• Where you are in Cornwall
• Age range
• Type of activity
• Opening times
• How you provide for and support children and young people
• Contact details including email and website address
Please provide as much information as possible as this will help children, young people and families to find out more about your service.
About the Cornwall Family Information Service and the SEND Local Offer:
Cornwall’s Family Information Service (FIS) provides information, advice and guidance on childcare, activities and services for children, young people and their families as well as the SEND Local Offer. The FIS supports:
• parents / carers
• parents to be, and
• children and young people from birth to 19, and up to 25 if they have a special educational need and / or disability (SEND).
Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer is the provision that is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. It includes:
• Health and Social Care
• Education and training
• Activities for children and young people with SEND